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Original Submission on Newgrounds released on May 30, 2008 | 3:00 PM EDT

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Original Author Comments (errors left in)

=:May 30,2008 -> 7:25 PM -> UPDATE:= Front Page! Thanks Newgrounds =)... =:---------------------------------------------:= PLEASE RECOMMEND TO THE PUZZLE COLLECTION! Hello Newgrounds! I've been off the NG radar for quite some time, but you can read about it a little bit in my upcoming NG Blog post. Therefore, without further ado I present: CAROM This Flash puzzler challenges you with 30 levels of ball bouncing action. Addictive game play and a funky beat by brewbeer are only the beginning. The instructions are in-game. I'd like to say a huge thank you to Gimme5Games for sponsoring Carom. Their people did a great job of keeping the lines of communication open and answering any questions I had. Thanks again for playing, enjoy! -XBigTK13X of Simple Path Studios P.S. Almost every puzzle has multiple solutions. Have fun trying to solve them ^_^.